Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing 19

I listened to a few podcasts, I don't know why but I got all these religious sermon like podcasts. One was trying to find religious symbolism in VanGogh's Potato Eaters painting.

I didn't listen to the whole thing, I was irked by the things the guy was saying, trying to making this into a peasant last supper. NOT.

I found that YahooPodcasts was very easy to use. I never did get a Podcastalley link to run. I got lost trying to figure out if I needed to create an account or not.

I was not inspired by this Podcast thing. I can see how some people would like it. Being able to search for specific topics to listen to can be good, but I guess I like to just listen to the radio talk shows and take my chances on what they are talking about today. My XM satelite radio in my car has a talk radio category that I enjoy.

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